Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Role of a nurse in nutrition management of diabetic patient Literature review

Role of a nurse in nutrition management of diabetic patient - Literature review Example Its impact on the patient, with its related complications is very much costly. Its health complications also include multiple organ damage. There are various interventions for diabetes, but lifestyle modification is one of the primary forms of prevention and management for the disease. Partnered with medications, the burden of the disease is reduced and complications are prevented. Lifestyle changes include the modification of the patient’s nutrition and the increase in his physical activities. Programmes on nutrition and lifestyle changes have been generally effective in preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes (Ory, Jordan, & Bazarre, 2002; Department of Health 2004) and also in fulfilling treatment objectives in the management of risk factors associated with the disease (Dusenbery, Brannigan, Falco & Hansen, 2003). Educational programmes have generally been advantageous and effective for individuals suffering from the disease, especially where they also comply with the health recommendations indicated by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). These lifestyle modifications are however diffic ult to implement for the patient especially with the major issues related to the food and diet available in the current food industry today. Foods high in cholesterol, sodium, and sugar have saturated the market, even foods which are touted by food companies as ‘healthy’ foods have components which are not healthy for the human body. Fast foods have become more affordable to the people, pushing up their mass appeal. As a result, obesity and all its related complications has become an even more common disease across different age groups and different ethnicities. The relevance of nutrition in the management of diabetes has increased. As one of the front-line healthcare givers, the role of nurses is considered very much important in disease

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