Monday, August 26, 2019

Areas That Shell Oil Company Needs To Focus On In Order To Increase Essay

Areas That Shell Oil Company Needs To Focus On In Order To Increase Its Sales and Revenue - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Shell Oil Company is a US-based firm which has been in operations for decades. Over the years, the company has been able to strengthen its financial position. However, in the past one decade, the company has lost a margin of its market share to the new entrants in the market. This paper will give an in-depth insight of areas that the company needs to focus on in order to increase its sales and revenue. Being a multinational company, Shell is facing stiff penalties and charges from global bodies. For instance, the EU and UN have enacted strict laws to curb carbon emission. This has forced Shell to settle government pressure through offering incentives such as improvement of the economies in the countries where the firm operates. It has been found that oil can be used to gauge the economic development of the country. However, due to the increasing demand for the commodity especially in the United States, the oil companies have tried to use their influence to earn support from the respective governments. However, the governments have maintained their positions especially because of the environmental issues associated with oil companies. In the past five years, Shell has tried to get engage with Climate Action Partnership in an attempt to improve its reputation. However, the government has maintained its stiff position against the company. In addition, the Congress has stated that the government cannot compromise the environment in order to improve the economy. Therefore, the political environment across the world has been stiff against the firm because every government is trying to do its part in order to reduce the increasing levels of global warming. Therefore, political leaders are pushing their governments further in order to stiffen the existing rules and regulations.

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